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QIP, has had a longstanding relationship with First Up that extends as far back as 2007. First Up provided support to Family Child Care Educators pursuing national accreditation through the NAFCC. This support was modeled through learning circles, where groups of providers met to engage in peer-to-peer support and with guidance from First Up, in achieving national accreditation.  

In 2014 when funding for the work was no longer available, they managed to continue meeting informally.  Recognizing the need to formalize the group, they named themselves Quality Influential Professionals (QIP).  Since that time, the group has grown to provide valuable resources and information through their monthly meetings that are open to any Home-Based ECE professional in Philadelphia and surrounding counties and are now a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. QIP has current funding through the William Penn Foundation to implement a T.R.I.A.G.E project to reduce the loss of home-based child care options in Philadelphia.

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